It’s my Dad’s birthday today. I would just like to take this moment to tell the world I love my Dad. He’s taught me a lot and –it’s never too late to say: You were right, Dad–most of the time.
My Dad is a funny man. He has the best sense of humour of anybody I’ve ever met. He’s always laughing–mainly at himself–and playing practical jokes. He’s definitely a joker. This Christmas, I think we started a new tradition in our family–to see who can play the best practical joke. I think Dad is the reigning champion for giving his son-in-law (my brother-in-law) a universal remote for a Digital Wife. That was funny–and–it was fun making it.
We initially scanned a real remote control. I photoshopped the text to make it more applicable. We printed it out again and Dad cut out the buttons and glued the printout back on the original remote–so it wasn’t a virtual present–it was an actual remote.

In honour of my Dad, here is a link to all the stories on my blog where I talk about him or describe him: All about my Dad. Pay attention to the entry: Dad-isms. That one best describes my Dad–by far.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAD. I do love you.
[…] this really exist??? I know Dad would make one for you if you really wanted […]