Not a brush with a celebrity, but–quite literally–a brush and a celebrity. Actually, it’s not even my brush, but it is Simon Cowell’s brush. Apparently, he is looking to replace his brush with an identical one. Here is a picture of his brush:
Front Profile of The Brush
Side Profile of The Brush
My friend Tony (although in actual fact, I’ve only met him once–but I do talk to him in the IM and he’s an incredibly generous person) has taken the challenge of trying finding the twin brush.
I met Tony in April at a business meeting. He had just finished an evening at American Idol and laughingly told us this story about how Simon wanted to find a new–yet old (because it has to be identical)–brush. I finally got enough courage to ask him if I could post the picture of The Brush on my blog yesterday when we were chatting in the IM.
[18:34] tbeckerman: cool…so what you going to ask me
[18:34] YukonGirl261: When I first met you, you had an awesome story about a hairbrush…
[18:34] YukonGirl261: Do you have a picture of that hairbrush?
[18:34] tbeckerman: yes, you mean the Simon Cowell brush?
[18:34] YukonGirl261: And can I post something on my blog? In fact, you could write your story and I’ll post it on my blog…
[18:35] YukonGirl261: It’s a very random thing. It fits in nicely with my theme.
[18:35] YukonGirl261: That would be funny.
[18:35] tbeckerman: sure, you can write the story for me…with humor
[18:36] tbeckerman: I’ll e-mail you the picture of the “old” brush
[18:36] YukonGirl261: Always with humour. But, if I write the story…it’s from my perspective. It’s not necessarily the story of “The BRUSH”.
[18:36] YukonGirl261: And it will just be the bits and pieces I remember.
[18:36] YukonGirl261: But that would be funny.
[18:37] tbeckerman: no problems.. I like that. E-mail me your email address again……whoa…. my battery is going down and I have no cord with me…I’ve got about 5 minutes left
[18:37] YukonGirl261: oh. Ok. No problem.
[18:38] YukonGirl261: Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
[18:38] YukonGirl261: I’m going to owe you a lesson or two on blogging–because you asked me once.
[18:39] tbeckerman: yep… I’ll try to send the pic before I lose power
[18:39] YukonGirl261: ok. Thanks. I’ll talk to you later. Have a great weekend Tony.
[18:40] YukonGirl261: I’m sure you will. Your family will be back.
[18:40] YukonGirl261: Bye.
[18:40] tbeckerman: you too….
Session Close (tbeckerman): Fri Jul 28 18:40:21 2006
Session Start (YukonGirl261:tbeckerman): Fri Jul 28 18:44:30 2006
[18:44] tbeckerman: check your mail
[18:44] YukonGirl261: Ok. Cool.
[18:45] YukonGirl261: ooohhh.. You just made my day. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
[18:45] YukonGirl261: I’ll have to think of what I’m going to write now.
[18:45] tbeckerman: wow, you’re easily made happy
[18:45] YukonGirl261: Are you threatening him with the brush???
[18:46] YukonGirl261: Or interviewing him?
[18:46] tbeckerman: yes, I told him that if he wasn’t nice to me, I was going to destroy the brush
[18:46] YukonGirl261: Hey. My happiness doesn’t take much sometimes.
[18:46] YukonGirl261: Have you found a new brush for him?
[18:47] YukonGirl261: Or. Rather, is he nice to you?
[18:47] tbeckerman: no, it’s such an old model that it isn’t made anymore. I’ve search all over
[18:47] YukonGirl261: Or brutally honest?
[18:47] YukonGirl261: Did you check ebay?
[18:47] tbeckerman: everywhere in the world
[18:47] YukonGirl261: oh.
[18:48] tbeckerman: I have a brush manufacturer who will make a mold and develop it for me
[18:48] YukonGirl261: It’s like you’re on a search for the Holy Brush.
[18:48] YukonGirl261: Really?
[18:48] YukonGirl261: A Simon Product ™
[18:48] tbeckerman: yes…the holy “fu##ing” brush
[18:48] YukonGirl261: š
[18:48] YukonGirl261: What’s wrong with the brush?
[18:49] tbeckerman: it will be called the Simon Brush
[18:49] YukonGirl261: The Simon Brush ™
[18:49] tbeckerman: nothing, it’s just a very antique model that was made about 25 years ago
[18:49] YukonGirl261: antique!!!1
[18:49] YukonGirl261: 25 years ago??
[18:49] tbeckerman: he wants an identical one..not a new version
[18:49] YukonGirl261: I’m antique!
[18:50] YukonGirl261: Hey.
[18:50] tbeckerman: maybe longer, it belonged t his (late) Dad
[18:50] YukonGirl261: My aunt was a hairdresser 25 years ago.
[18:50] YukonGirl261: I wonder if she has brushes from then?
[18:50] tbeckerman: I began hairdressing 45 years ago… that makes me a dinasor
[18:50] YukonGirl261: I used to have a brush that looked like that. But it was purple.
[18:50] tbeckerman: it has to be exact
[18:51] tbeckerman: I could probably find it in a swap meet
[18:51] YukonGirl261: Hmm… What are the specs? After all, I am a technical writer.
[18:51] tbeckerman: with fleas and hair in it
[18:51] YukonGirl261: yuck.
[18:52] YukonGirl261: Does he not want to use this one anymore? Because it belonged to his Dad?
[18:52] YukonGirl261: Sometimes, I think you just need to update yourself.
[18:52] YukonGirl261: That includes getting a new hairbrush.
[18:52] tbeckerman: plastic, silver coated paint. 15 rows long and 5 rows wide. with the exxact number and shape of vents in its base
[18:52] tbeckerman: ball tipped nylon bristles
[18:53] YukonGirl261: Who was the original manufacturer?
[18:53] tbeckerman: I wish I knew that
[18:53] tbeckerman: no name anywhere on it
[18:53] YukonGirl261: Where did he buy it? In Britain?
[18:54] tbeckerman: It looks like an original something…yes in Britain
[18:55] tbeckerman: his fatherās barber bought it many moons ago
[18:56] YukonGirl261: Many moons ago…
[18:56] YukonGirl261: ha!
[18:56] tbeckerman: before the wheel was invented
[18:57] YukonGirl261: Ha.
[18:57] tbeckerman: ok, really gotta go now and do a diaper change for my son.. He was 3 yesterday
[18:57] YukonGirl261: Oh. Sorry. Yes.
[18:58] YukonGirl261: Definitely a priority.
[18:58] tbeckerman: NEVER be sorry, you’re fun to talk to
[18:58] YukonGirl261: K.
[18:58] YukonGirl261: I might reference you as “my friend Tony”. Would that be OK?
[18:58] YukonGirl261: Because, when we’re talking in the IM. I think of you as my friend.
[18:59] YukonGirl261: But I don’t want to be presumptuous.
[18:59] YukonGirl261: too presumptuous.
[18:59] tbeckerman: You can reference me as whatever you wish. I never get offended
if you could smell him now….you’d realize how much of a priority it is
[18:59] YukonGirl261: Ok. Bye.
Session Close (tbeckerman): Fri Jul 28 18:59:56 2006
Tony Beckerman said: August 1st, 2006 at 2:36 pm “The “Simon Brush™” looks like it was originally made by a company called “Bobbie”, who makes Bobbie […]